Membership & Meetings

How to Join - Membership


  • Open to owners of Four Wheel Drive Vehicles who are at least 18 years of age.
  • Applicant must have participated, in at least four (4) runs, (3) of which must be overnight, Club-sponsored trips in their own vehicle and must have attended four (4) regular Club meetings within a twelve month period.
  • Be voted in by the membership

A suitable 4×4 is just about any 4wd vehicle with a 2 speed transfer case. Full size rigs have problems on some of the trails we do. Those in the larger vehicles stand an excellent chance of experiencing severe body damage.

Events are usually runs (we do at least one run a month), but also may be promotions (usually done in conjunction with local off road shops), fund raisers (such as yard sales), or other events (picnics). Most events are free unless the facility we are using charges a fee (campground, etc.).

A qualifying event for membership must be attended by at least 3 club vehicles. Although we post many events on our event list, some events may not qualify for membership. Please inquire if you have any questions as to whether or not a listed event is qualified for membership.

Dues are $60.00 per year and include a membership to California Four Wheel Drive Association, Inc., California’s statewide outdoor recreation advocates.

Where to get info - Meetings

Meetings are held every 3rd Wednesday of month at:

Elks Lodge

11633 Woodside Ave,
Lakeside, CA 92040

Meeting room closest to the street on north end of the building.

Guests are welcome to attend regular club meetings and runs.

If you are interested in joining our video call, please email us for details.